Het culturele online mzine van Rotterdam
antenne rotterdam

Antenne Rotterdam



week 20 | dinsdag 14 mei 2024 00:28 uur | 2 bezoekers

american shoes from vietnam

like every good consumer, i go to the center of the town, to buy me nike shoes. i was very proud on my self, im going to buy famoss and expensive shoes, in the most expensive place( where every budy go, i go). i walk inside to the sport shoes shop, as a chicken male among his femeles. i touch the shoes, i smell them, i hug them. then i listent to any holy word the sales man said. after all it is in all the promution i see every where, that all is for us. we feel better, we look better, we are mor happy, wite nike shoes. unthill i start to belive that it is a charity organization and not a company, wanting to sale. i choose my nike shoes, i refuse the bag, i will caring them my hands, may be i will meet someone i know. i hug the sales man and i promese to be in touch.( he make me feel that some one is care about me) and i go to the gray world. on the midle of the way home, i stop to sit on a banch, to see ans feel my american shoes. i torn them to the rigth and to the left unthill i arrive to the bible ofthe shoes.( this little white piece, wher is writing what the made of, and where the made in) and then i see black on white made in vietnam i look again, my american shoes maded in vietnam is not so american.isn´t it ? . i 'paid 100 euro ( american price from new york) for shoes that produced in the far east, in vietnam.. there the workers are mor cheap, the materials are mor cheap, the taxes lower, the electricity and the expenses of the producting, is 1000% lower, but not my shoes. so why i need to pay so much money for shoes maded, in vietnam or india or bangladesh, if all the expenses of the companys is 1000% and mor lower. whay the price of my american shoes from india, go up. may be, in the in the companys as nike adidas and.... the thinking that 80% of the market is stupid peaple, that will buy any shit covering nice and promuted by some sport or hollyvood star.´´ and we make good deal, we buy american shoes from vietnam in 100 euro) by the way, short time ego nike company apologize in public, for abuse the workers in them factorys in vietnam. the relly treat the workers un fair. may be the need to hpologize on abuse them clients, by sale them a product is not work his price, and for taking to much money from the clients.

yossi elkayam


    [115660] => Array
            [naam] => me
            [link] => 
            [reactie] => Well first of all NIKE doesn't own any factories , it hires companies do produce their products. Second of all if the shoes were produced in europe you would pay double of the price - then you would be bitching about the price .
Thirth of all the people who work in those so called nike factories are people of  developing countries , which means that working there is the best thing what happend to them - good food , medical care , " better life " from their point of view.

            [afbeelding] => 0
            [spambot controle] => 
            [react_date] => 2005-06-05 23:41:39
            [react_date_changed] => 2005-06-05 23:41:39
            [react_page] => 0
            [react_user] => 19238
            [react_user_target] => 0
            [react_parent] => 101317
            [react_count_reads] => 
            [react_count_views] => 
            [react_confirmstring] => JRKY3W9DUE6WS96
            [u_name] =>   
            [u_email] => antennerotterdam@users.antenne.exolog.nl
            [react_id] => 115660
            [editable] => 1


me | 05 juni 2005

Well first of all NIKE doesn't own any factories , it hires companies do produce their products. Second of all if the shoes were produced in europe you would pay double of the price - then you would be bitching about the price .
Thirth of all the people who work in those so called nike factories are people of developing countries , which means that working there is the best thing what happend to them - good food , medical care , " better life " from their point of view.


laat dit veld leeg

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